Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Searching for Hope

"When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you're slamming the door in the face of God."

~Charles L. Allen

Many times in my short life I have experienced the feeling of hopelessness. But it is in my darkest hour that I find strength that I never knew existed. I found peace, harmony, and comfort all in the form of hope. Hope is to wish for something with the expectation of fulfillment. Hope is having nothing but realizing that when you have nothing you have more than you could ever need in hope. They say it is our free will that distinguishes us from animals. Animals rely on instinct, we on the other hand rely on rational thought. We have free will to be either hopeful or hopeless. Society as a whole has transformed from that of hope to one that lingers on the negative aspect of the world. Hope is the foundation of faith. We have hope that things will get better, and we have the faith to know that IT WILL. It may take time, and it may not be in the form we thought but as always things get better. I found that when I had my daughter I was hopeless for a time. Not knowing how I was going to support her, or what I was supposed to do with my life. I was merely a child. I understood that yes, things may be bad now, but it was my hope that things would get better. And they did. All the worries I had held previously are gone, but they are filled with more uncertainity. As she grows, I know that these feelings will not go away, but rather multiply. But I can look at these troubles and remain hopeful because I know that things could be worse than they are. I look into my daughter's eyes and I know that everything will be ok. Hope is an amazing tool that God has given us to see us through life's darkest hours. No matter what you do or how low you feel, remain hopeful for the future and know that things will get better.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Hope

My previous blog was one that was rooted in negativity. My hope with this blog is to move away from the negative for a moment and hopefully provide people with a place of understanding and hope. I, myself, having been through many of life's ups and downs, hope to bring a renewed sense of optimism. These thoughts expressed through this blog are intended to be interpeted individually and uniquely. My sense of positivity comes from within and was established early in life. It's funny because so many people I see on a daily basis mention to me that they never see me unhappy, and that I'm always smiling. It provides me with a sense of importance because it feels as though I am able to affect these people's lives with something as menial as a smile. My thoughts are exactly that, my thoughts. Not to sound cliche but I try to llive everyday as if it were my last. Meaning when I wake up in the morning, I like to embrace each day with positivity. I find that many people who are struggling to find "happiness" are often so wound up and anxious to find this " happiness" that they fail to realize that happiness cannot be attained. But rather "happiness" is a state of mind. This state is one of peace and harmony, regardless of surroundings. Anyone can find happiness, it's there for us to embrace everyday. It's not money. it's not job security, it's not rocket science. It is what it is. It is realizing how beautiful the little things in life are. The earth, our friends, our family, our parents, and our children. When we as a culture are force-fed imitation happiness, we fail to notice that while we are trying to locate happiness in a materialistic world, rather than allowing happiness to grow with us from the start of each day. Truly embracing the Grace of God for allowing us to reap the wonders this world has to offer. Happiness is not something physical, and it is however everywhere around us. Just remember that happiness is found in the small things in life.